Sunday 26 February 2012

Ok today is really exciting bcoz.....
so now i really need my pack to arrive!!!! the real countdown beginss!!!!!!!
exciting! :)


Thursday 23 February 2012


So turns out i can be quite forgetful about things I've done so far!

One of the first things was the £60 CRB check, which I'm assuming i passed as ive not heard anything!!

Luckily there was a great fb group made where me and other participants have been chatting and turns out there are loads of people on my flight too, as well as the friend i made at the interviews who we booked flights together anyway!!!

Below are some of the emails that have literally made me excited beyond belief! Haha the next time i have that smile will either be when my welcome pack arrives or my hoody!!!!!

i cant wait to get going on my role of Attractions!

L x

Hello :)

This is my first post and my first blog!

I'm here to share my Disney international college program experience.

So I am from England and will be leaving for Florida in June.

So with it being February, there is lots to do....

It all started when i applied for the program through 'yummy jobs' in September, I had my first group interview in the Oct/Nov then my final duo interview in Nov. Then i was accepted into the role of 'Operations'.

The next step was booking flights, which i think cost me around £600.

There is still lots i need to do such as buy medical insurance, get my visa.....etc

I paid my program assessment fee yesterday which was $104, I'm also ordering my Disney cast hoody today!!! Which I'm very excited about.

So the next thing I'm waiting for is my welcome pack!!! Which i hope comes soon.

This first post is quite boring, as I'm not in Florida yet, i guess there is not much to say!!

Will keep it updated!

L x